Our Services
District Structure

The District consists of two entities:
- Meridian Village Metropolitan District 1 (MV1) and
- Meridian Village Metropolitan District 2 (MV2).
MV1 constructs, owns & operates the public facilities and services in Meridian Village. MV2 certifies mill levies and provides the resulting proceeds to pay down debt and provide services. The MV2 board ensures that the activities and expenditures of the district are in compliance with state law and the approved service plan.
MV1 and MV2 have a joint operating agreement for MV1 to operate both districts.
The Meridian Village Service Plan defines the mill levy cap as:
- 50 mills/debt
- 10 mills/operations & maintenance
The state constitution requires a balance in taxes collected from residential and commercial property. Commercial property is valued at a constant 29% of market value, as more residential is constructed, if it is valued at more than commercial, state law requires lowering the residential assessment ratios.
Since 2002, the ratio assessed for residential property was 7.96% (so a $100,000 house is taxed as if it is worth $7,960). In 2017, because of increases in residential development, state law required lowering the residential ratio to 7.2%, a 10% decrease. To achieve revenue neutrality, this required the district to increase the debt mill levy by 10%.
In the spring of 2021, residents saw these mill levies on their tax bills:
- 40.000 mills/debt
- 11.132 mills/operations & maintenance
All things being equal, the dollars generated from each home should be approximately the same.
Water & Sewer
All potable water & sewer systems serving Meridian Village are owned, operated & financed by Meridian Metro District (MMD).
Streets & Sidewalks
Once completed, all streets are owned and maintained by Douglas County. This includes snow removal. Unless controlled by an HOA, all sidewalks are the responsibility of each lot owner. Douglas County requires snow shoveling within 24 hours after snow stops falling.
Pools & Open Space
As per the map at the top of this page, common drives, open space, landscaping & pools all fall under each HOA’S responsibility.
Land Use
All approvals are governed by Douglas County through their established processes. MV1 & MV2 do not have control or oversight of neighborhood uses.